
Consider joining me on this journey and partnering with me through finances and prayer!

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Why Give?

We are all called to fulfill the great commission, Matthew 28: 19-20. Some of us are called to cross oceans, and others are called to cross the street. For those of us who can’t go, it is our task to partner with those who are called. Both are necessary to further the kingdom of God.


Prayer is equally, if not more, important than financial support. Prayer is powerful and allows God the space to move. It is encouraging and stirs us in faith for what God can do. It allows direction, clarity, discernment, and peace.

If you would like to partner with me financially, you can:

Venmo: @gwynethknight

PayPal: @gwynethknight


(With Venmo and PayPal, I will get 100% of your donation to put towards my ministry. There is a small fee that is taken from GoFundMe)